They are really low quality because the portrait studio would be down right silly to give me high quality electronic copies of all of the pictures :) Well we bought enough to share with all of the grandparents (They will be sent shortly, I promise). Since Duncan is so fortunate to have so many grandparents, we couldn't buy for aunts and uncles too. So all of you aunts and uncles, if you would like to purchase a sheet or two, get in touch with me before November 7th and I will tell you how. Edited to say that I believe we are going to purchase enough wallets to go around. Therefore the above statement applies to larger photos.
Duncan is so darn cute, huh? And recently, he has started to look like me.... well alright that might be stretching it. Look for yourself.
Can you see it? huh, can you??? He has curls!!!!! Yeah! He is my child!! (Please ignore the carrots)
I have been neglectful in thanking my SIL Jessica for the hairband I won on her blog. Thanks Jess! I like it a lot. It is really well made.
O yeah, Brett likes it too...
We went to Brett's cousin Amanda's wedding this past weekend. This is a picture of the father/ daughter dance:
Randy (Amanda's dad) cried here and when he gave her away. He was promptly kicked out of his fantasy football league.
A couple of days ago I discovered that Brett twitches if any of the kitchen cabinets are left open. So of course I have been making sure to keep them closed. He worked 16 hours today and will be home soon. I, being the wonderful, loving, caring wife that I am, have left him dinner in the fridge and on the counter. See:
Hehehehehehehehehehehehahahahaha! I can't wait! I'm so baaaaad!
Anyway, I better get upstairs before he gets here and the joke is ruined. I will leave you all with a few pictures I found when I unloaded my camera for the kitchen shots.