I have many creative interests that I am looking forward to pursuing such as photography, sewing, crafts, and interior design. Hopefully I find that I am good at at least one of these things :). However, when I think about my largest obstacle to becoming Martha Stewart, it is not creativity but organization. Martha is a very put together woman, and I think if I am going to become a domestic goddess my home should at least appear to be somewhat put together. Right now it is nowhere close. Our home is a very cluttered place, I guess if you where being nice you could call it "overly cozy". Now, the messiness of our home is not because we are pigs I assure you. In fact, I LOVE a clean house. It's just that mine never seems to quite get there. I am convinced this is because I am not organized. Everything I own does not have a place, and some things I shouldn't own are taking up too many places (Does anyone out there feel me?). So my first project is a large one: organize my home! I think I am going to break this down into rooms, or maybe even projects within rooms. The room I would like to start with is the family room as that is where we spend most of our time. However, two weeks ago we had a series of huge storms which resulted in our lower level flooding. So now I have a newly carpeted empty room where once was a cluttered office. All of the furniture and junk that was in this room is now in the garage. So the need to park my car in the garage again has made this room priority number 1. Here's what I'm working with :

I don't really like the wall color, but I don't think I will be able to talk Brett into helping me paint it. I don't like the curtain for the sliding doors either. That may be an easier fix...

I need to find a way to put all of this stuff in the office neatly or get rid of it...Well hopefully I will be able to get a start on it tomorrow. Although tomorrow is Brett's first day on 1st shift (he just switched from 3rd shift) so I am going to attempt to cook dinner... that may take all day :) Either way, I'll let you know how it goes.